Tomboy and Girly Girl: Ling and Tianyi.Their official updated personalities show Ling being active and lively, while Tianyi is sensitive and quiet.Red Oni, Blue Oni: Ling and Tianyi, which caught on with the fandom during their 'development stage'.Yan He - a scroll that can be expanded into a piano keyboard.flower thingy that can transform into a double bass. Zhiyu Moke - Fei, a bird that can transform into dual keyboards.Yuezheng Longya - Bei Chen, a 50,000 year old dragon that can transform into a drumset.Yuezheng Ling - Shi Tian, a 10,000 year old big feline that can transform into a guitar.Described as a fairy of music, she's said to be 10 years old. Non-Human Sidekick: Tian Dian, the small creature who accompanies Tianyi.Meaningful Rename: Their original names to a degree, while their renames stand out more.Alphabetical Theme Naming: Their logos are comprised of five Devanagari Letters for unaspirated devoiced consonants, one for each.Though all of them have a degree of asymmetry with their apparel.

Fashionable Asymmetry: Tianyi and Ling's single thighhigh.Zhiyu Moke - White (officially deep blue, #0080FF).The winning entries of the extended Vocaloid China project.