Free printable candy bar wrappers
Free printable candy bar wrappers

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Halloween can be a great excuse to spend time with our girls! Easy and enjoyable activity ideas include:

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Boost her self confidence by encouraging her to be herself. What kinds of things can we do? Be there for her. As parents and mentors, we have a big role to play in her developing sense of self-worth. Spending time with your daughter is especially important in her growing-up years.

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These girls are so much fun to be around. I can’t wait to see what they decide to be. Remember my niece, Brooklyn? She and her little sister love any excuse to wear a costume – especially Halloween! Last year, they were Katniss and Maleficent (you can probably guess which one is which from the photo.) As of yesterday, they were still deciding what to wear this October 31st, but they were tossing around ideas like Pokemon Go characters, witches and Disney princesses.

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